Elis Kristo

Elis Kristo

Boston College

The transition from middle school to high school is a pivotal time in the life of a student and has the potential to be quite stressful. The goal of this study was to evaluate the concerns of ninth-grade students when entering high school. An anonymous web-based survey regarding their experiences with the transition from middle school to high school was distributed to twenty-one ninth-grade student from a high school in Boston, MA in April 2019. A total of 21 of 24 surveys were completed (87.5% response rate). The most significant student concern related to their high school transition was the ability to manage their time, followed by increased academic expectations, greater amount of homework, adjusting to new classmates, making new friends, and adjusting to new teachers. For improving transition to high school, students proposed more personalized support in the early phase of the transition to high school and better communication between parents and school counselors in order to identify and address student concerns in a timely fashion. Therefore, teachers, counselors, and parents should work together in identifying strategies to help students entering high school.


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